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The Goal of this meeting is for the Federal Agencies to share with the broader aviation-weather community of interest the status of “NextGen Weather”. The aviation-weather community will have an opportunity to provide feedback to the Agencies on the overall plans and activities for transforming how the Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Weather communities work together to mitigate the impacts of weather in the NAS. The scope of this summer meeting is the medium and long term R & D and implementation of ATM-Weather operational solutions. Short-term (12-36 months) operational issues and the resultant solutions are the scope of the 11-12 October, 2011 FPAW forum at NBAA in Las Vegas.
8:15 Welcome
Bruce Carmichael – NBAA, Weather Committee Chairman
Don Eick – NTSB, Meteorology
8:25 History of FPAW
Warren Qualley – Harris Corporation (pdf)
8:40 Segment 1 – What is OMB Looking For?
Nick Stoer, Moderator and former FAA CFO and Budget Director
A brief discussion about the OMB process
Panelist comments on agency use of OMB guidance
- Kristen Burnham, FAA Director of Investment Analysis (pdf)
- Dr. Rodney Weiher, Retired Chief Economist, NOAA
Questions for Panel:
9:15 Segment 2A – FAA Reauthorization and “Destination 2025”
Ray Young, Leader and Moderator
- Gael Sullivan, Senior Majority Staff Professional, Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce Committee
- Toni Trombecky, Manager, Strategic Planning Division, Office of Aviation Policy and Plans, FAA
Questions for Panel:
9:45 Segment 2B – Weather Speak, Plain English
Nick Stoer, Leader and Moderator
· Matt Tucker, NATCA
· Mark Miller, NOAA
- Mike Robinson, AvMet
- Sherrie Callon, Jacksonville Center, FAA
Why do weather programs have trouble getting traction in the budget process? How can the weather community overcome its tendency to use weather jargon to explain what it is trying to achieve?
Questions for Panel:
10:45 Segment 3 – NextGen Senior Leadership
Jaime Figueroa, Moderator
(Steve Abelman, Jaime Figueroa, John Lasley and Warren Qualley, coordinators)
- Greg Burke, ATO Program Management Office: Report on the re-organization at the ATO relative to: 1) program inter-dependencies, 2) Relationship between the NextGen planning and acquisition process, and 3) the budget impact on NextGen and non-NextGen programs.
- Vicki Cox, FAA NextGen Management Office: 1) the role of her office in moving NextGen forward, and 2) the relationship between the FAA and NWS for NextGen weather programs.
- Jason Tuell, NOAA, Report on: 1) the budget impact on NextGen programs, and 2) the NWS perspective on the relationship between the NWS and the FAA for NextGen weather programs.
- Paul Fontaine, FAA, Report on: 1) R&D focus areas under current budget scenarios, 2) What (how and who) can be done to develop a business case for weather programs?
- Ann Tedford, Manager, NextGen Strategic Messaging and FAA Liaison to RTCA Task Force 5
- Captain Rocky Stone, United Airlines delegate to Task Force 5
Questions for Panel:
1:15pm Segment 4 – NextGen Weather Programs
Steve Abelman, Moderator
(Steve Abelman, Jaime Figueroa, John Lasley and Warren Qualley, coordinators)
· Jacqueline Hill, FAA: Weather Acquisition Overview
· Benn Deans, FAA: Report on the NWP Program
· Alfred Moosakhanian, FAA: Report on the status of the NNEW Program
· Mark Miller, NOAA: Report on the status of the 4D WDC program
· Mark Zettlemoyer, NOAA representative to the JPDO: Report on JPDO’s role moving forward.
Questions for Panel:
2:15 Segment 5 – Integrating Weather information into NAS Operations
Rick Heuwinkel, Moderator
(Steve Abelman, Jaime Figueroa, John Lasley and Warren Qualley, coordinators)
- Kevin Johnston, FAA; Tom Lloyd, JetBlue; and Cyndie Abelman, NOAA: The CDM Weather Evaluation Team (WET) and TRWG - moving NowGen toward NextGen.
- Kevin Grimm, FAA: ATM-Weather Integration in the mid-term; TBFM plan
- Craig Wanke, MITRE/CAASD: Report on “Weather-proofing the NAS”
Questions for Panel:
3:35 Segment 6 – Building the SAS, Policy and Governance Challenges
Mark Miller, Moderator
(Mark Miller, coordinator)
- Ed Johnson, NOAA and Rick Heuwinkel, FAA - JPDO WWG Policy Team: Provide an update about the Single Authoritative Source (SAS) including NEWP-approved definitions and actions.
- Panel discussion
Questions for Panel:
4:35 Wrap up – Bruce Carmichael
Delta Airlines - Tom Fahey
Air Line Pilots Association - John White
FAA/ATO – LaGuardia Tower - Leo Prusak
UPS - Randy Baker
Mitre/CAASD - Matt Fronzak
United Airlines - Rocky Stone
FAA - Rob Paul
FAA/ATO - Danny Sims
NATCA - Matthew Tucker
AOPA - Bruce Landsberg
United Airlines - Joe Burns
Delta Airlines - Bill Watts
Delta Airlines - Mark Bradley
Air Methods Corporation - Eric Lugger
Private Weather Consultant - Al Kaehn
Mitre/CAASD - Mark Huberdeau
Mitre/CAASD - Gene Wilhelm
AvMet (ATO Wx Support) - Ernie Dash
National Weather Service - Bob Maxson
National Weather Service - Pat Murphy
ENSCO - Jim Stobie
Cornell University - Daniel Fuka
Harris Corporation - Warren Qualley
Raytheon - Paul Ackroyd
DTN Meteorologix - Jim Block
SAIC - John Lasley
SITA - Kathleen Kearns
NAV Canada - Eric Dupuis