It's Time - - - To Register (and Sign Up for a Pre-Meeting Tour)!

Good evening, all.

Well, we're inside a week until the start of the Fall 2024 FPAW Meeting, whose lineup of speakers and topics appears absolutely top notch. I can hardly wait to hear the exchange of information and ideas that's going to take place next TUE-THU! You, too, should be equally excited - but only if you join the 176 other aviation weather enthusiasts who have already registered for the meeting. Doggone it, you're saying - if only I knew how to register. Well, just follow this link, scroll down the page, take 90 seconds to input your bona fides and, "Voila," you're in.

Speaking of "you're in," the pre-meeting tours on WED and THU mornings, described in the detailed agenda here, are going to be outstanding. And, given that there will be a maximum of 30 participants allowed on the tour each day, and that there are 76 in-person registrants (so-far), they're likely to fill up. So, to give our host, Starr McGettigan, a reasonable idea of how many folks to expect each day, we're going to allow in-person registrants to sign up for the tours ahead of time. That's right - starting right now!

How does one do this, you ask? Well, you send ME ( an email and tell me the tour(s) you want to get signed up for. To do so, you will need to (1) be registered as an In-Person participant, and (2) send me your name and cell number (since I already have your email). That's it. I'll post electronic versions of the sign-up sheets on the Fall 2024 FPAW Meeting web site in the next 1-2 days, so everyone can see how things are trending.

So, do not delay, do not dilly-dally. Get registered and, if you're planning to attend in person, let me know the pre-meeting tours (one or both) that you'd like to take part in.

Matt Fronzak
FPAW Co-Chair