We're up to 182 Participants!

Hello, fellow aviation weather enthusiasts.

Holy cow, as Harry Caray used to say. We're up to 182 participants in the Fall 2024 FPAW Meeting at the FAA WJHTC in Atlantic City. There will be 76+ of us there in person, and another 106+ online, before all is said and done. That is some SERIOUS participation.

We've made some minor updates and modifications to the meeting material available on the FPAW website, and will continue to do so through this weekend.

Here are a couple of reminders:

1. Registration closes TOMORROW, THU, 10-24-24, at 5:00 PM somewhere (sorry, I don't know the applicable timezone and I don't want to mess it up). Take 90 seconds and register TODAY! If, however, you find yourself wanting to get signed up for the meeting but the official registration form is no longer available, you can email ME (mfronzak@mitre.org) and I'll work magic in the background and get you on the list.
** If you are planning to attend in person, you really, really need to get registered before the TOMORROW deadline **

2. Sixty or so of the 76 in person attendees are not FAA WJHTC employees. Assuming that the FAA WJHTC employees have all seen this stuff before, this means that there are 60 potential candidates for the 30 available slots each day on the WED, 10-30-24 and THU, 10-31-24 pre-meeting morning tours. So, if you want to get your name on one or both of the tour lists, send ME an email (mfronzak@mitre.org) and I'll get you signed up even before you show up!

I hope to see you in the flesh in Atlantic City next week!

Matt Fronzak
FPAW Co-Chair