FPAW 2019 Fall Meeting

Las Vegas Convention Center
3150 Paradise Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89109

Speaker and Panelist Biographies


Day 1: October 23, 2019

Weather Information from the Flight Deck

Steve Darr Dynamic Aerospace, Gary Pokodner FAA and John Steventon FAA)

Day 2: October 24, 2019

FPAW Update 

Convective Weather Information: What’s Available and How Users See and Interpret It (John Kosak NBAA)

Part 1: Convective Forecast Products

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Part 2: The Challenges of Differing Views of Convective Weather

Weather for Emerging Modes of Transportation

(Rex Alexander Vertical Flight Society, Joel Siegel Booz Allen Hamilton, Dr. Matthias Steiner NCAR)

Part 1: Requirements and Challenges

Part 2: Weather Forecasting

Part 3: Weather and Automation

Event Type