FPAW 2020 Fall Meeting

Virtually, via Microsoft Teams video conferencing

Speaker & Panelist Biographies


Day 1: October 13, 2020

Winter Weather (Leads: Joshua Paurus (MSP Airport), Gordy Rother & John Steventon (FAA), Matt Tucker (AvMet Applications)


 Aviation Industry Weather Prize (Tim Miner & others)

Day 2: October 14, 2020 

Emerging Weather Tools in Cockpit - (Leads: Rocky Stone (United Airlines), Matt Tucker (AvMet Applications), Mark Phaneuf (ALPA), John Kosak (NBAA)

Updates from Ongoing Topics (Leads: Tom Ryan – AvMet Applications)

Day 3: October 15, 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic Pandemic: Aviation Weather Implications and Opportunities (Leads: Mike Robinson & Matt Fronzak (MITRE), Matthias Steiner (NCAR), Gordy Rother (FAA)

Administrative and Organizational (Leads: Mike Robinson & Matt Fronzak (MITRE), Matthias Steiner (NCAR), Gordy Rother (FAA)

Event Type