Candidates for Open FPAW Steering Committee Slots

Good day, fellow aviation weather enthusiasts.

The FPAW Steering Committee (SC) was formed almost a year ago. Thirteen individuals were selected as inaugural members: four represent the Aviation Weather Users community, four more represent the Aviation Weather Researchers, Engineers, Developers (RED) and Academicians constituency, three represent the Aviation Weather Providers community and two represent Aviation Weather Regulators. More information about the inaugural FPAW SC can be found on the FPAW web page under the Organization tab.

Each year, based on the way the FPAW SC was set up, the terms of either four or five current SC members come to an end. Because there are no term limits, those members cycling off the FPAW SC are eligible to be re-elected and serve a new three-year term. By mid-September, the members of the 2022-2023 FPAW SC, including those members cycling off, will use a voting process to select the individuals to fill the open slots.

At the Spring 2023 FPAW Meeting, and via both the FPAW web site and these emailed newsletters, we advertised that there would be four available three-year slots on the FPAW SC starting on October 1, 2023. Two of the slots will represent the Users constituency, another will represent the RED and Academician community, and the last one will be a representative of the Aviation Weather Providers.

We are thrilled to announce that 12 Aviation Weather professionals have officially submitted their names for consideration for the four upcoming slots. They are listed in the table below, along with their organizational affiliation and the constituency they would represent. Current FPAW SC members who have indicated their desire to return to the group for another 3-year term (i.e., incumbents) are shown with a parenthetical (I) after their last name. The number of open slots within each constituency group is also shown parenthetically.

First Name Last Name Organization Constituency (# Open Slots)
Jose Garcia-Rivera NOAA NESDIS Providers (1)
Emily Schofield The Weather Company Providers (1)
Jennifer Stroozas (I) NOAA NWS AWC Providers (1)
Jeff Weinrich NOAA JPSS Providers (1)
Trey Cade Baylor University RED and Academia (1)
Rick Curtis Collins Aerospace RED and Academia (1)
Jim Evans (I) MIT Lincoln Laboratory RED and Academia (1)
Michael Splitt Florida Institute of Technology RED and Academia (1)
Eric Avila (I) NATCA Users (2)
David Dillahunt Southwest Airlines Users (2)
Matt Eckstein Delta Air Lines Users (2)
Matt Johnson Metro Aviation / USHST Users (2)

Unless you are a member of the FPAW SC, there is no action required on your part. This is for your information only.

We will let you know the results of the voting, and the makeup of the 2023-2024 FPAW Steering Committee, as soon as we are able.

Matt Fronzak and Matthias Steiner
FPAW Co-Chairs