8:00 – 8:20 Welcome and Overview – Steve Brown, Bob Lamond, Bruce Carmichael
8:20 – 9:35 Segment One – Near- and Mid-term NextGen Progress (Tom Ryan)
a. NextGen Weather Plans Post RTCA Task Force Five (Arnold Lee)
b. Integration of Ground and Cockpit Weather into Decision Making (Rocky Stone)
c. NextGen 4-D Weather Data Cube (Tom Ryan, Mark Miller)
d. The Research Transition Process (Tom MacPhail)
e. Acquisition Management Process (Jackie Hill)
9:50 – 11:15 Segment Two – “Champions’” Status Reports (Tom Fahey)
a. Deicing/Anti-icing/Runway Contamination (Cyndie Abelman, Roy Rasmussen, Jerry Ostronic)
b. Weather in the Cockpit and Research to Operations (Heidi Williams)
c. Graphical FA and ADDS QICP (Pat Murphy)
d. Improved Operational 0 – 3 Hour C&V Forecast (Eric Lugger)
e. Airline Data Access to 5-minute ASOS (Jim Block)
f. Joint Meeting with CDM Community (Tom Fahey)
11:15 – 12:30 Segment Three – Flight Operation Weather Impacts (Rocky Stone)
a. C&V and Icing Hazards to G/A and Helicopter Operations (Eric Lugger, Paul Herzegh, Heidi Williams)
b. C&V Efficiency and Delay Issues for Air Carriers (Randy Baker)
c. NWS Efforts in TAF Creation from Gridded Data (Steve Abelman)
d. CWSU Status (Kevin Johnston)
e. SITA Aircraft De-icing Forecast Service (Paul Brough)
1:15 – 2:45 Segment Four – Integration of Weather and Air Traffic Decisions (Matt Fronzak)
a. Improving Weather Information (Cyndie Abelman, Stan Benjamin, Matthias Steiner, Jim Evans)
b. ATM-Weather Integration Plan (Dave Pace, Jimmy Krozel)
c. Weather Translation and Impact Conversion (Mark Huberdeau)
d. Panel Discussion - Use of Weather Impact Information in ATM Decision-Making and DSTs – What users want/what research is planned (Leo Prusak, Rich DeLaura, William Chan)
3:00 – 4:10 Segment Five – Cockpit Communication of Weather Information (Pat Murphy)
a. Airborne Water Vapor and Turbulence Reporting (Tammy Farrar, Bill Watts, Randy Baker, Rick Curtis)
b. Weather Data Delivery and Display in the Cockpit (Eldridge Frazier, Tenny Lindholm, Sue Spincic)
c. Weather Integration in the Cockpit - DOD Perspective (Greg Cerbus)
4:10 – 4:55 Segment Six – Flight Operations Support Issues (John Schwoyer)
a. Management by Exception Concepts for Dispatcher Tools (John Schwoyer)
b. Impact of Tarmac Holding Rules (John Schwoyer)
c. ADF Flight Operations Support Issues (Joe Miceli)
d. ADDS for AT Supervisors (Matt Tucker)
United Airlines - Rocky Stone
Delta Airlines - Tom Fahey
FAA - Jerry Ostronic
AOPA - Heidi Williams
NWS - Pat Murphy
Air Methods Corporation - Eric Lugger
Telvent DTN - Jim Block
UPS - Randy Baker
SITA - Paul Brough
Mitre/CAASD - Matt Fronzak
Mitre/CAASD - Mark Huberdeau
FAA/ATO – LaGuardia Tower - Leo Prusak
MIT/LL - Rich DeLaura
NASA - William Chan
Metron - Jimmy Krozel
Southwest Airlines - Rick Curtis
Delta Airlines - Bill Watts
NCAR - Tenny Lindholm
FAA - Sue Spincic
ADF - John Schwoyer
ADF - Joe Miceli
NATCA - Matt Tucker
American Airlines - Des Keany
Mitre/CAASD - John Huhn
Mitre/CAASD - Win Heagy
ITT - Joe Sherry
ENSCO - Jim Stobie
Cornell University - Daniel Fuka
ARINC - Al Homans
Raytheon - Paul Ackroyd
Harris Corporation - Warren Qualley
Vaisala - Geoff Bing
Aviation Weather Associates, Inc. - John McCarthy
Private Weather Consultant - Al Kaehn