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National Business Aviation Association and the National Center for Atmosopheric Research
July 21, 2010
The Goal of this meeting is for the JPDO Weather Working Group (WWG) and Agencies to share with the broader aviation-weather community of interest the status of “NextGen Weather”, with a focus on activities related to Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) between the operator community and the FAA. The aviation-weather community will have an opportunity to provide feedback to the JPDO Weather Working Group, Agencies, and CDM community on the overall plans and activities for transforming how the Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Weather communities work together to mitigate the impacts of weather in the NAS. The scope of this Vision meeting is the medium and long term R & D and implementation of ATM-Weather operational solutions. Short-term (12-36 months) operational issues and the resultant solutions are the scope of the 21 October, 2010 FPAW forum at NBAA in Atlanta.
Bruce Carmichael – NBAA, Weather Committee Chairman
Bob Lamond – NBAA, Director, Air Traffic Services and Infrastructure
Tom Haueter – Director, Aviation Safety, NTSB
Nancy Kalinowski – Vice President, Systems Operations, FAA
Segment One - CDM “Road Show”
Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is a joint government / industry initiative aimed to improve the Air Traffic Management (ATM) through increased information exchange among various parties in the aviation community. Hosted by the Airline Transport Association (ATA), the success of CDM is directly related to the participation and commitment of representatives and subject matter experts (SMEs) from government, general aviation, airlines, private industry and academia who are working together to create technological and procedural solutions to traffic flow problems that face the National Airspace System (NAS). The CDM Road Show is an opportunity to educate attendees on the philosophy behind the collaborative process within the Air Traffic Organization (ATO), explain how the process works and provide an explanation of tools that were developed through CDM as well as the ones that are under development. The focus on this Road Show will be on weather solutions that are integral to the various CDM tools.
Traffic Flow Management (TFM): Mark Libby
Collaborative Decision Making (CDM): Mark Libby
Flow Evaluation Sub-Team (FET): Ernie Stellings
Future Concept Sub-Team (FCT): Mark Hopkins
Weather Evaluation Sub-Team (WET): Kevin Johnston, Tom Fahey
Surface Sub-Team (SCT): Marshall Mowery
Training Sub-Team: Joe Dotterer
CDM Overview
CDM Video
Traffic Flow Management
WET Team
Segment Two – NextGen Weather Concepts, Plans, Programs, and Progress
Presenters: Mark Andrews – JPDO Weather Working Group (NextGen Weather Concept/Benefits)
Mark Miller – NOAA Program Office
Mary Cairns – FAA NextGen Solution Set Manager for Weather
Jaime Figueroa – FAA ATO-P Weather Office
Vaughn Yates – FAA Weather System Acquisition
Dave Miller – DOD Weather Perspective
Michael Little – Net Centric Operations Concept
This session will describe the NextGen Weather Concept(s); the assumptions, requirements, challenges, and the plan towards 2013 and beyond. The Research to Operations process will be presented, along with the plan for integration into ATM decision support. It will describe actions already underway and planned in the immediate future, including a Science Road Map needed to coordinated necessary research efforts. A benefits analysis will also be briefed.
Delta Airlines - Tom Fahey
Air Line Pilots Association - John White
FAA/ATO – LaGuardia Tower - Leo Prusak
UPS - Randy Baker
Mitre/CAASD - Matt Fronzak
United Airlines - Rocky Stone
FAA - Rob Paul
FAA/ATO - Danny Sims
NATCA - Matthew Tucker
AOPA - Bruce Landsberg
United Airlines - Joe Burns
Delta Airlines - Bill Watts
Delta Airlines - Mark Bradley
Air Methods Corporation - Eric Lugger
Private Weather Consultant - Al Kaehn
Mitre/CAASD - Mark Huberdeau
Mitre/CAASD - Gene Wilhelm
AvMet (ATO Wx Support) - Ernie Dash
National Weather Service - Bob Maxson
National Weather Service - Pat Murphy
ENSCO - Jim Stobie
Cornell University - Daniel Fuka
Harris Corporation - Warren Qualley
Raytheon - Paul Ackroyd
DTN Meteorologix - Jim Block
SAIC - John Lasley
SITA - Kathleen Kearns
NAV Canada - Eric Dupuis