FPAW 2017 Summer Meeting

NTSB Conference Center
429 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington DC

Speaker and Panelist Biographies


Day 1: July 12, 2017

Weather User Panel to include ATC, Airlines, General Aviation, HEMS, and UAS: Panel Discussion of Needs and Shortfalls Followed by Audience Discussion
(Tammy Farrar – FAA)

Ceiling and Visibility Forecast/Nowcast Improvements CONUS and Alaska, to Include Use of Models, Satellites, and Cameras

(Jenny Colavito – FAA)

Day 2: July 13, 2017

In Lieu of the Surface Observation Including EWINS Authority, RTMA, Web Cams, and Remote Observation Systems

(Tom Fahey
Delta Air Lines)

CONUS Area Forecast (FA) Transition

(Kevin Johnston
- FAA)

Observations on the State of Aviation and Weather in China

(Paul Fiduccia)

NextGen Weather Program (CSS/Wx and NextGen Weather Processor) as Examples of Multi-agency Collaboration: What we still need to do to improve our multi-agency processes?

(Ernie Dash – AvMet)

Major Infrastructure Needs to Improve Aviation Weather: The Administration Is Planning to Request a Major Infrastructure Improvement Program from Congress.

(Tom Fahy –
Capitol Meteorologics)

Event Type