FPAW 2025 Spring Meeting

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
1 Aerospace Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114

High Level Agenda

Note: Location and Dates are firm.
           Overall Schedule (Days, topics, orders and times) and Speakers are still approximate, but reflect current thinking.

Day 1, Tuesday, April 1, 2025




0900E 0915E

ERAU Welcome and Overview

(Alan Stolzer, Dean of the College of Aviation, ERAU)

0915E 0920E

Goals and Objectives of the Spring 2025 FPAW Meeting

(Matt Fronzak/MITRE and Matthias Steiner/NCAR)

0920E 0930E

Recap of Spring 2024 FPAW Meeting Key Takeaways

(Joel Siegel/FAA)

0930E 0945E

FPAW Keynote Address

(Robert Sumwalt, Executive Director - Boeing Center for Aviation and Aerospace Safety at ERAU)

0945E 1200E

Session 1a: The Future of Airmen Weather Education and Training: From Theory to Practice

(Nathan Polderman/UAL and Scott Wagner/ ERAU)

This session will review the latest academic work and research (i.e., the “theory”) and explore how it can drive improvements to the standards and overall effectiveness of weather instruction (i.e., the “practice”) at all stages of airman education and training.

1200E 1300E Lunch
1300E 1500E Session 1b: The Future of Airmen Weather Education and Training: From Theory to Practice
1500E 1600E

Session 2: FAA Wx COI Update
(Starr McGettigan/FAA and Alfred Moosakhanian/FAA)

The leadership of the FAA Weather Community of Interest (Wx COI) will brief FPAW attendees on its activities over the last six months.

1600E 1730E

FPAW Social Event – An ERAU Eagle Mixer

(Scott Winter, Associate Dean of Research for the College of Aviation, ERAU)

Our ERAU hosts have graciously offered to sponsor this on-campus event, complete with light refreshments, which will enable in-person FPAW participants to mingle with ERAU students, faculty and administrators, and one another, in an informal setting. Yet another reason to come to DAB!!

Day 2, Wednesday, April 2, 2025




0830E 0930E

Pre-Meeting ERAU Tours


0930E 1200E

Session 3a: Exemplars of Effective Airmen Weather Education and Training

(Gus de Azevedo/OK State U and Sarah Strazzo/ERAU)

This session will feature presentation and discussion of a variety of different methods of, and approaches to, airman weather education and training that can be considered models for how to (or how not to) conduct these activities. 

1200E 1300E Lunch
1300E 1500E Session 3b: Exemplars of Effective Airmen Weather Education, Training and Certification
1500E 1530E

Session 4a: An Update from the NOAA NWS AWC (AWT, GFA)

(Jennifer Stroozas/AWC)

FPAW SC member Jen Stroozas will update the FPAW community on new ideas and processes related to recent AWC Aviation Weather Testbed (AWT) activities and changes to the Graphical Forecast for Aviation (GFA)

1530E 1600E

Session 4b: An Update from the NOAA NESDIS

(Jeff Weinrich/IMSG)

FPAW SC member Jeff Weinrich will use this session to update the FPAW community on new satellite-based capabilities and processes being explored by NESDIS

1615E 1745E

(Closed) FPAW Steering Committee Meeting


Day 3, Thursday, April 3, 2025




0830E 0930E

Pre-Meeting ERAU Tours


0930E 1200E

Session 5: A “Solutioning” Session: Implementing our Ideas

(Ian Bergstrom/FAA and Joel Siegel/FAA)

This session will be a variation of last Springs’s “brainstorming” session. Instead of aggregating and synchronizing the group’s input on aviation weather gaps, FPAW will debate, discuss and identify potential solutions to weather education, training and certification shortfalls for airmen. Upon completion, FPAW will then develop and promote one or more white papers to call attention to the shortfalls and proposed solutions, or pass along the shortfalls as problem statements to the FAA Wx COI.

1200E 1300E Lunch
1300E 1400E

Session 6 (An FPAW Colloquium): “Low Altitude Aviation Weather – The Rodney Dangerfield of the Weather World”

(Rex Alexander/Vertical Flight Society and 5-Alpha LLC)

Invited speaker and FPAW Steering Committee member Rex Alexander will provide insights on flying in low altitude and urban environments from the perspective of someone who has been there, done that, and lived to tell the tale.

1400E 1500E

Session 7: FPAW Organizational Update/Mini-Planning Meeting

(Matt Fronzak/MITRE and Matthias Steiner/NCAR)

The FPAW Co-Chairs will share organizational items of interest, including the need to backfill an in-term opening on the FPAW Steering Committee and the status of the ADS-B Wx White Paper, provide the latest information about the next two FPAW meetings, and be prepared to receive input on a variety of topics from the FPAW community.


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